The Shakespeare quote ‘Though she be but little, she is fierce!’ fits right in on this girl! Darla, daughter of Merc and Louisa (daughter of Sound/sister of Josephine, now with Tim), is going on 4 years (April 20th) and she did amazing in this season’s races. Darla is a mini version of her dad, and we can’t help but being amazed at how hard she works, and what a difference she makes in the team with her little body. She may be petite, but she definitely makes up for it in hard work and contribution of positive attitude to the Wild and Free team! We are excited to see Darla continue to develop into a confident and strong team member for future races!


Born: 4/20/2015

Parents: Louisa/Merc

Siblings: Slater (M), Pink (M), Woody (M)

Sponsor: Melissa Beers