A son of Jeep and Lucy, which are two of our 2019 Yukon Quest Champion dogs, we’re very excited about this guy. Pop and his siblings have LOTS of personality. They are sassy, explorative and outgoing and they sure have some time for snuggles too which we love and appreciate as we’re connecting and getting to know these team members who hopefully will play a big role in the future of Wild and Free Mushing. In 2022 we were able to get Pop  into his first races! He was a part of three FIRST places finishes including the Iditarod Championship! Last season Pop was a part of the Alpine Creek, CB300, and YQ550 teams! We can’t wait for Pop to continue to be a Rockstar and play a big role in the future of Wild and Free Mushing.

Sponsored by Tamara Jones

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Sponsored by Marcella Knowlton

Thank you for your generous support!

SEX: Male

BORN: August 2019

BLOODLINES: Sass/J. Redington

RACES: Alpine Creek, YQ350, YQ300, Iditarod, CB300, YQ550