Silver. Who better to end 2018, and start 2019 with?! This guy is incredible! Not only has he accomplished A LOT of amazing things in his life with Brent at Wild and Free Mushing, but he’s also got a very strong personality and he’s just a very lovable dude. At age 16 (he turns 17 on January 25, 2019) he still roams around the homestead/kennel, making his daily loops through the dogs yard, seemingly making sure they’re all behaving (and making sure they all know he’s the King obviously). It is clear to us that all dogs in the yard knows and respects Silver. Silver has a thing for treats and he loves sleeping on the couch (and boy, has he earned that couch time!). He sometimes steals fish snacks from our sleds, and he QUICKLY devours them in hopes of us not noticing. We are so happy to spend our days out here with this amazing ol’ guy and we’re so thankful for his legacy continuing through his many children and grandchildren!


Born: 1/25/02

Parents: Bronco/Zulu


Sponsors: Pat & Tom Likos, and MaryAnn Capps