Brent Sass and the Wild and Free Main Race Team left Bethel, AK Friday evening wearing bib #11 to start the 2016 Kuskokwim 300.  It was a race to the finish, with only 16 minutes seperating 1st and 3rd place. Brent crossed the finish line in Bethel just 8 minutes after Pete Kaiser, taking home second place!  His official finish time was 11:14:08 AM and he came in with 9 strong dogs on the line who were going well over 10mph for some of the race. His overall race time was 40 hours, 44 minutes, and 8 seconds.  His last run inbound to Bethel was an impressive 5:11:56, faster than any other musher.  Brent competed in his first Kuskokwim 300 last season with a 7th place finish, which makes this season’s race a big success.

After a tough week following the loss of Basin, one of Brent’s main leaders and best friends, the fan support was overwhelming.  This race was a grieving and healing process on top of one of the fastest races of the season.  Thanks to all the fans for the support, especially this week!