Jeep is a sprint dog, born and raised by Joee and Pam Redington. He is part of the last litter of pups that Joee and Pam raised and trained and was one of Joee’s favorite dogs. During our frequent dog talks Joee would mention that he thought Jeep had it in him to be a mid distance dog and would joke around about throwing him into my team. After Joee passed away in August 2017 I was fortunate enough to be able to buy Jeep from Pam. I wanted him to be able to keep the Redington genes alive in my kennel but to also give Jeep that chance to be the mid distance dog that Joee thought he could be. It was a long shot because at age 4 his longest run was 16 miles…. but he was bred and trained by one of the best dog trainers and racers of all time so there was no counting him out! After over 2500 training miles in 2017/2018 season, Jeep made the race team and he continued onto being a huge part of our success in the 2019 Yukon Quest Championship and he was one of the two Golden Harness Winners! Jeep was also a part of our 3rd place finish in the 2021 Iditarod! In 2022 Jeep was a main leader in the Iditarod with Mats petterssen! I can’t explain how special it has been to train Jeep and watch him thrive and fit right in with his new team here at Wild and Free! Jeep is now retired but having a blast mentoring all the new pups and yearlings!

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SEX: male

BORN: June 2013

BLOODLINES: Joee Redington

RACES: Yukon Quest 1000, Iditarod